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If you're looking to reduce or eliminate your energy costs, decrease your carbon footprint, say goodbye to ever increasing energy rates, then all of this is possible with SunLife Solar Power.
So whether you are looking for solar to offset your electricity usage, to heat your shower, or heat your pool, we have the know how and experience to design an efficient, cost effective system to meet your needs.
By installing solar to generate your own clean, free energy. Harness the power of the sun instead of paying traditional high utility rates. Whether you purchase or finance, solar power can actually cost less than what you pay now and hedges against the ever rising electric utility rates. The savings can be thousands!
By going solar! Solar is the cleanest energy that you can use because the solar panels installed on your roof capture the natural, free rays from the sun.
This free energy from the sun is then converted into electricity or heated water for you to use in your home or business.